Quite recently, uSky Transport announced the inspection agreement signing with TUV SW Standardization Certifications for Test Track 4 certification.
Today, just a month later, uSky Transport is proud to announce completion of the Stage 1 certification works, where our Intermediate Supports were the object. Those are the structures designed to provide the necessary position of the uSky track structure at the location, outside the anchor supports, and for transfering vertical and transverse horizontal forces to the ground.
TUV SW Standardization Certifications performed a set of works based on the evaluation of steelwork structures according to AWS and BS EN international standards. The issued Certificate of Conformity is the result of this set of works.

The scope of the intermediate support inspection consisted of step-by-step inspection, final inspection and paperwork audit. The survey results were based on data obtained by scrupulous work on:
Visual and dimensional inspection of Intermediate Supports;
Non-Destructive Examination, e.g., Magnetic Particle Inspection;
Bolt Tightening Inspection.
It is important to emphasize that Intermediate Supports Certification is only the first step towards certification of the entire uSky transport and infrastructure complex at Test Track 4, which shall include third party inspection and certification for the entire Test Track 4:
Anchor Station 4.1 – Cargo & Passenger Station;
Anchor Station 4.2 – Cargo & Passenger Terminal;
Semi-rigid track structure;
Electric uBus vehicle.
Completion of this set of work will allow obtaining a certificate for safety conformity, which, in turn, will facilitate obtaining official permission from the Sharjah authorities for pilot operation.
The same scope of work was carried out earlier in 2021 on Test Track 1 with the following issuance of Certificate of Conformity, the first 400 m long test track was issued official permission by the Sharjah authorities for non-commercial pilot and demonstration operation.
TUV SW Standardization Certifications has managed to become a kind of strategic partner for uSky Transport on implementing the way of continuous improvement in accordance with its mission, vision and values.

uSky Transport has achieved ISO 9001:2015 quality certification, and obtained certification according to ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
These implementations are considered strategic by uSky Transport, they really help us improve the overall performance of our company and provide a solid foundation for sustainability initiatives.
Continuous productive activity pushes up dynamic development and betterment. This principle stays relevant for uSky Transport, and following this principle the company strives to perform work in accordance with the international standards, with the obvious goal to produce high-quality and competitive products.