At uSky Test & Certification Centre, uSky Transport professionals continue a series of testing and certification tests of the newest uBus Carat vehicle.

At current stage of operations, suspended uBus Carat was lowered from Cargo & Passenger Station to passenger platform. This unmanned steel wheel electric rail vehicle was loaded up to maximum load capacity in order to test its actual capabilities with maximum operating weight on a track slope of 10% (e.g., for a tram, maximum operational track slope is 8%). This process loading affects safety and operational efficiency of the 25-seater uBus Carat, but, most importantly, is also key to compliance with all applicable regulations and requirements.

Testing also included lowering the innovative electric uBus Carat down to ground level: to passenger platform, from high anchor support, in order to do final adjustment of passenger platform level relative to vehicle. The final adjustment of passenger platform height relative to vehicle is an integral step in the process of safe transportation of passengers and cargo. It is of great importance for ensuring safety and efficiency of logistics tasks.