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uHouse: the oasis in the heart of the desert


The processes taking place in architecture and design are part of global trends associated with the rapid development of technology and the desire of people to preserve nature. One needs the eco-friendly architecture being a source of daily spiritual joy. The society has concluded that people should not conquer the nature, but symbiose in full harmony and mutual understanding. And the development of green technologies makes it possible to create beautiful and environmentally friendly eco-houses.

uSky Transport as one of the most progressive companies follows global trends including the active development of an environmentally friendly mode of transport and novel infrastructure, the most important elements of which are multifunctional eco-houses, comfortable and environmentally friendly buildings for the life and work of modern people.

Eco-house with renewable energy in uCity cluster
Eco-house with renewable energy in uCity cluster

The project of eco-houses with a renewable energy system was developed for a new type of residential clusters interconnected via the networks of uSky transport complexes in the concept of a linear city – uCity, an eco-friendly city with green energy, and a highly developed economy, which is being showcased in the form of an operating model with five operating uSky tracks at uSky Test & Certification Centre.

The main idea of the eco-house is zero impact on the environment and protecting human health. This is an ideal place to form an auspicious microclimate for a person – optimal humidity, air quality, temperature, etc. Such a house is an independent ecosystem that provides residents not only with power and heating/cooling but also with organic in-house grown food. The roof of the eco-house is a high-tech greenhouse suitable for year-round vegetable and fruits cultivation with the help of specially created highly fertile soil. Greenhouses like these are set to change agriculture, taking an important step towards solving the problem of energy shortage.

Eco-house geometry with the use of green techs
Eco-house geometry with the use of green techs

Ecohouse is provided with heat, electricity, and hot water using renewable energy sources – sun, ground, and wind. An integrated approach when designing a building naturally uses renewable energy systems as constructive design elements. An original step towards the reproduction of natural balance – roof gardening – does not serve for the vivid appearance of the rooftop only, but is also a sky-high part of the terrestrial ecosystem.

Practically, the ecohouse project has already been implemented as uSky Transport headquarters, a uHouse in Sharjah, UAE. uHouse is built using green technologies, as well as environmentally friendly materials that do not harm nature. A project considers cardinal points, wind rose, landscape, human-friendly zoning of internal premises, and overall geometry of building construction.

Eco-friendly and sustainable green uHouse, the only one throughout the United Arab Emirates is completely built of wood. Wooden houses are a more ecological and economic alternative than homes made of traditional brick and concrete. That said, uHouse meets all fire safety standards, and the eco-architecture of the office follows world trends and standards.

View of green uHouse – uSky Transport office
View of green uHouse – uSky Transport office
Main entrance to green uHouse – uSky Transport office
Main entrance to green uHouse – uSky Transport office

The uHouse ecosystem is rich and diverse: a flowering garden, a pond, beehives, and bird nests – all these create an atmosphere of an oasis in the middle of a hot desert.

Green uHouse courtyard
Green uHouse courtyard
Green uHouse courtyard with the exit to the rooftop
Green uHouse courtyard with the exit to the rooftop

uSky Transport staff as well as the guests of uSky Test & Certification Centre do enjoy the stunning atmosphere of a flowering garden in the green uHouse courtyard.

Delegates from different countries are delighted with the beauty of the floral diversity, in which the uSky Transport headquarters is sinking.

Delegation from Tunisia at uSky Transport office
Delegation from Tunisia at uSky Transport office
Delighted Vietnamese guests in blooming garden of uHouse
Delighted Vietnamese guests in blooming garden of uHouse
Delegation from the Dominican Republic and Republic of Haiti at uSky Transport office
Delegation from the Dominican Republic and Republic of Haiti at uSky Transport office

uSky Transport is convinced that the implementation and the construction of eco-houses like green uHouse is an important step toward the conscious consumption of natural resources and creative interaction with the environment, which will allow people to live in harmony, comfort, and safety.

Not conquering nature, but live in harmony is the little that people can and should do.


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