In a world where speed is a key factor as it determines efficiency and comfort of travel, role of chief designers of high-speed transport complexes becomes increasingly important. These engineers play a critical role in creating and developing technologies that change the way we move around the Earth.
In this interview, we will be talking to Vitali Lapkouski, chief designer of high-speed transport system. He is going to tell us about his profession and work on uSky Transport team.

Vitali, for starters, tell readers about yourself, what do you do and what is your responsibility area within the company?
My name is Vitali Lapkouski and I am the chief designer of high-speed transport complex. My responsibilities include developing the concept of transportation process for the complex we are designing (general logistics and station logistics, energy consumption, determination of main parameters of transport complex), dividing the complex into components with subsequent issuance of technical specifications, as well as TPM (technical project management).
What were the main goals and objectives set for you for development of Test Track 4 transport complex?
My main job was set to develop a transport and infrastructure complex for transportation of passengers and freight, ensuring certification procedure for compliance with the set requirements, as well as requirements of international standards (ASCE 21-21, EN 50126, IEC 61508, EN Eurocodes and others, both international and local) for this type of transport solutions.
How do you determine the key requirements for any transport system before design begins?
We start with identifying key indicators according to customer’s technical requirements (volume of transportation, transport work performed, etc.). Then we compare it with regulatory framework and estimate cost. Then we offer several implementation options. After the customer selects an option, we work through it in detail and determine technical characteristics of all elements of the transport complex that provide the customer’s target indicators.
What technical challenges did you encounter with the Test Track 4 complex and how have you overcome those?
Technical challenges are just part of a project. For example, it was necessary to raise the upper and then the lower tensioned strands of a track structure over 2 km long to a height of 15 m with total weight of about 560 tons. There had been no similar lifts in the world. The economic component of such installation was also important. But we managed, calculated intermediate points and lifted them with hydraulic lifts placed on each intermediate support. Thus, a linear structure 2 km long with spans of 288 m was raised in less than 3 days of net man hours.

What factors influence efficiency and productivity of the Test Track 4 transport complex, and how do you work to continuously improve them?
All technical parameters were determined at the development stage. Improvements may be in terms of operational characteristics, such as comfort indicators, automated control system modes, and development of service infrastructure. Also, it helps to hone security automation by GoA3 and GoA4 IEC 62290-1.
How do you manage risks associated with developing new tech or innovations in transportation industry?
There are basic principles for assessing security across the planet. Risk assessment is carried out, hazard log is maintained, measures to prevent hazards are determined, etc. The regulatory framework for risk management IEC61508 – functional safety, EN 50129 – communications, signaling and data processing systems, and other local standards.
What methods and technologies do you use to test and verify Test Track 4 safety?
We use functional and risk-oriented simulation models for each system in order to assess the effect of a particular unit, element of system, or gear on the overall performance and safety. Next, testing methods are drawn up for elements of the complex and their components.
Then, tests are carried out, in particular stress tests. Based on test results, if necessary, improvements are made to certain units of transport complex. And everything is in accordance with international and local standards.
How do you balance productivity, cost-efficiency and environmental efficiency?
uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology in itself and all our approaches already have high performance, economic and environmental efficiencies. Comprehensive assessment of indicators is higher than recommended by international environmental standards according to ISO 14000 series of standards, economic justification for each project and cost are 20–80% lower than light transport systems (cable car, light rail) and by an order of magnitude or even several orders of magnitude lower than heavy transport systems (railroads, subway, Maglev). Assessment and management of productivity and costs takes place according to ISO/IEC 25010 – quality of automated control system software, AACE Total Cost Management (TCM).
What strategies do you use to optimize energy consumption and resource efficiency?
To optimize energy efficiency, the optimal type of transport is selected (if it is necessary to provide a throughput capacity of 1000 passengers per hour, then the transport or mode will be selected in such a way as to transport 1000 + 10–15%). Also, using software package, optimal acceleration and deceleration (but not more than the values specified in regulations) and crest speed are selected, taking into account balance of performance and optimal energy consumption of the vehicle drive (maximum efficiency zone).
Material (resource) efficiency is achieved through a strong engineering school, using optimal materials in building both transport and track structures, and other elements of the complex. A modular construction of transport complex is used, thereby reducing time for designing the complex for customer. To put it simply, we have a list of ready-made systems (modules): track structures, vehicles, infrastructure, building elements that can be easily combined with each other, thus achieving maximum design efficiency.