The uSky Test & Certification Centre continues installation works on the unstressed section of Test Track 4.

This structure is a suspended two-rail track structure of a beam type. It will connect the passenger boarding platform and anchor support’s passage section, positioned at different heights. Here, the suspending, commissioning, inspection and maintenance of uPods will take place.

The main installation stages of an unstressed section include: installation of columns, installation of beams, tensing strands, installation of plastic and aluminum boxes, as well as strips. To date, intermediate supports have been fully erected and the necessary preparatory works for further installation are underway.

All components of the structure meet the specified requirements of durability and reliability. For example, the section is designed for more than 2 million loading cycles, and service life is 50 years at given frequency of traffic. At the same time, simplicity of this section design can significantly reduce construction and maintenance costs of the track structure as a whole.