uSky Test & Certification Centre is a truly unique place that has become a centre for attracting guests from all over the world, and in this article, we would like to give you a full introduction.

uSky Test & Certification Centre is located in the United Arab Emirates in the city of Sharjah on the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park) grounds and covers over 280,000 square meters. Here, construction of uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology test lines, certification of our complexes, as well as active scientific activity take place.

It may be hard to imagine, but a few years ago it was just desert here, and today we have supports of three lines, six stations and a magnificent uHouse erected on the Centre’s territory, and our eco-friendly electric transport does not even touch the ground – it carefully moves above.

Construction of test lines, AKA tracks, is one of the most important activities of the uSky Test & Certification Centre. Every day, many professionals work hard together on this task in order to introduce uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology to global community as soon as possible.

Certification of uSky transport complexes is the most important process of assessing and confirming compliance of transport systems and components with certain safety, reliability and quality standards. It is carried out by independent institutions or regulatory bodies that evaluate compliance of our complexes with the requirements and safety standards established in the industry. This certification process includes the following steps:
Assessment of the safety system is analysis of all aspects of the transport system safety, including the physical infrastructure, technical solutions, automation, electronic control systems, monitoring, etc.
Testing: vehicles are subjected to various tests to verify their performance, reliability and compliance with safety standards. This may include strength testing, electronic systems testing, ergonomics testing, and other technical analyses.
Assessment of compliance with regulations and standards: certifying authority checks the transport complex against requirements defined by the industry regulations and safety standards.

Scientific activity of uSky Test & Certification Centre consists in testing our test lines, as well as in cooperation with various universities in order to share experience with younger specialists.
Not everyone can visit this wonderful place yet. It receives high-ranking officials from different countries, entrepreneurs and other delegations. All visits are carefully coordinated for safety reasons: the centre is constantly undergoing construction work and testing.

uSky Transport team loves the uSky Test & Certification Centre very much, as this place has become our second home.